Please note we have outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE on a Thursday.
Please ensure you have the correct PE kit and trainers for these days.
As we enter the summer term we are excited to build on our learning. Let's try and win an attendance prize for our class.
In maths, the children will be telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Learning about volume, capacity and exploring temperature and how to read a scale.
In English, we will be looking at fiction and non-fiction books about dinosaurs.
In religious education, we will be investigating the question, “How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter?
During music, lessons children look at composition using games, the dimensions of music pulse, rhythm, pitch, singing and playing instruments to create their own music and song.
In our art, unit, Let’s Sculpt the children will be introduced to six sculptors: Marc Quinn, Michelle Reader, Barbara Hepworth, Jill Townsley, Brendan Jamison, and Eva Rothschild. Children will make their own sculptures using a range of unusual materials: bread, recycled materials, boxes, plastic spoons, sugar cubes, and marshmallows. Children will learn about figurative and abstract sculptures, and think about shapes and materials.
In computing we will be Programming using Turtle Logo and Scratch unit will teach your class to create and debug algorithms. Following on from the earlier Year 2 unit on Preparing for Turtle Logo, the children use the basic commands in Logo to move and draw using the turtle on screen, and then further develop algorithms using the “repeat” command. These skills are then developed by teaching children to create algorithms in Scratch using a selection of blocks.
In history, we will investigate four significant people looking at evidence, a range of texts, photos and objects. We will research the people and gather as much information as we can about them.
In science, we will explore the world of seeds and learn why plants disperse their seeds and the various clever ways in which they do this. Plant cress seeds and grow a bean using hydroponics – watch and record what happens to them. Using various art and design techniques, to make and model our own seeds and finally enjoy the fruits of your labours.
During outdoor PE, the children will play Target Games which focuses on activities and games that require players to send an object towards a target. Children will be learning how to send the ball in different ways towards both stationary and moving targets, including rolling, underarm throwing, overarm throwing and kicking. They will be taught about the skills of aiming, precision and accuracy, which are the fundamental skills needed for target games such as croquet, golf and bowling. The children will also be developing their understanding of using tactics and teamwork.
The indoor PE, unit is designed to build the overall fitness of your children through a circuit of eight activities, each of which is based on a different skill. Fun practices are used each week before the children are introduced to two of the circuit activities. Throughout the unit, the children will complete a scorecard allowing them to see the progress they have made. Many opportunities are provided for the children to watch others and to evaluate their own performance. This unit has a strong health and fitness focus and the children will learn about the effects of exercise on their body and about the role of the human heart.
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