Summer Term!
Important Notices:
Spellings and Rapid Recall: Will be sent home on a Monday and tested on a Friday!
PE Kits: Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children need a full PE Kit in school for both indoor and outdoor PE.
Reading Books: Reading books can be changed daily.
Topic: Our topic unit this term is World War 2. We will be learning about the key events, where different battles took place, what life was like for those living in london and the country side and how this links to our lives today.
Art: In art we are looking at sketching, colour, mosaics, collages and sculptures and will be linking these techniques to the theme of insects.
Science: This term we will be looking at plants. We will explore the parts of a plant and look at what plants need to grow. We will investigate the impact of too much water or not enough light on plants and explore different types of plants. We will also discuss the importance of insects and their impact on plant life including pollination and growth.
TT Rockstars Tournament!
Starting today Tuesday 2nd May 2023 until Tuesday 16th May 2023, there is a new tournament set between 3G and 3S on TT Rockstars. Make sure you log on, get us some points and try and get us to win! There is a 60 minute limit to your play each day for this specific tournament, so use your time wisely! Good luck, and at the end of the tournament keep a look out for the overall winner.
Welcome back to year 3!
Important Notices:
Spellings and Rapid Recall: Will be sent home on a Monday and tested on a Friday!
PE Kits: Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children need a full PE Kit in school for both indoor and outdoor PE.
Reading Books: Reading books can be changed daily.
Topic: Our topic unit this term is Mayans. We will be learning all about these ancient people including how they lived, worshipped and built their cities. We will also look at what caused the end of the Mayans as well as considering how our knowledge of Mayans and Mayan culture has impacted us and our lives today.
Art: In art we are looking at themes surrounding nature and will be exploring how to accurately reflect nature in our sketches.
Science: This term we will begin by exploring light. We will be asking ourselves two very important questions. What is light and how does it help us to see? By the end of this unit we hope to create some Shadow Theatre performances, putting all of our learning about light to good use. We will also be looking at Forces and Magnets where we will explore the role friction has on making objects move and the importance of magnetic fields.
Welcome to year 3!
Important Notices:
Spellings and Rapid Recall: Will be sent home on a Monday and tested on a Friday!
PE Kits: Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Children need a full PE Kit in school for both indoor and outdoor PE.
Reading Books: Reading books can be changed daily.
Topic: Our topic unit this term is Geography and we will be focusing on learning all about the United Kingdom! We will also be looking at a range of maps and learning how to use them!
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