Welcome to 5J
Here is some useful information about your new class.
Children should bring their reading book and record every day. (reading records should be arriving soon)
Children should also bring a labelled water bottle and may bring a healthy snack for playtime.
PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays and children must bring their PE kits on these days. Kit is a blue tshirt and plain black or blue shorts. When the weather is colder, children will need a fleece and tracksuit bottoms or leggings as we will be going out even if very cold.
Children should read each day. In year 5 we encourage children to write their book into reading records. However we would like adults at home to sign and write comments to show they have read. On Mondays, spelling and rapid recall will be sent home to practise ready for tests on Fridays.
Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt. We have already shared what we know and are looking forward to learning much more. Our class assembly this term is on Friday 1st October.
Here is 5J's Christmas performance- hope you enjoy watching as much as we did performing!
Welcome back to the Spring term.
This term, we will be studying geography in the topic Our Planet. In this unit we will investigate how human beings activities in an environment affect and change that environment. We will be starting by studying the local area we live in- South Ockendon and Thurrock- starting by making observations and collecting information when we go for a local walk.
In maths this term, we will first be learning about fractions and decimals. Learning times tables by heart will be very important this term to understand our topic- TTRockstars online is a fun way to improve.
Off on our walk to investigate where we live.
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