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Year 1

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12



Number - Place Value (within 10)

Number - Addition and Subtraction (within 10)

Geometry - Shape



Number - Place Value (within 20)

Number - Addition and Subtraction (within 20)

Number - Place Value (within 50)

Measurement - Length and height

Measurement - Mass and Volume


Number - Multiplication and Division

Number - Fractions

Geometry - Position and Direction

Number - Place Value (witin 100)

Measurement - Money

Measurement - Time


In the autumn term we will explore place value, addition and subtraction within 10 using both concrete and pictorial representations such as part, part whole diagrams. 

In Autumn 2, we will continue a little more with addition and subtraction and then we will finish the term describing and sorting 2D and 3D shapes.