Welcome to the class page of RK.
This is the place were you can see some of the wonderful learning of the children in RK.
PE day - Friday
All children need shorts or tracksuit bottoms, a PE top and trainers/plimsolls.
This term our topic is 'People Who Help Us'.
We have been learning about Paramedics, Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers and the Staff at our School, Doctors, Nurses, Vets and Dentists.
Friday 17th November
Class Assembly
This week RK performed their first class assembly alongside RSW. We sung 2 counting songs to show off our counting skills to 20. We also showed our fireworks pictures and told everyone about the shapes we have been learning about.
The Library Bus Visit
On Friday 8th September we visited the fantastic Library Bus. We checked out the new books and loved sitting on the top deck. We can't wait to go back to read and learn more on the bus!
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