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What are our topics this year ...

Currently we are learning about:

Learning about nature poems ...

We used this gorgeous book above to start learning about nature poems.


We are going to be:


  • reading and performing poems
  • looking at the features of poems
  • creating our own nature poems

In the spring term we have been ...

Myths and Legends ...

We were:


- doing some reading comprehension using mermaid stories

- writing using dialogue

- learning how to use paragraphs

- writing a story based on Can You Catch a Mermaid?



Learning about poetry!!

This is an example of a type of poem called a kenning. Kennings are cool because they are a bit like a riddle. They describe something without saying it's name and using similies to describe it. We have become excellent at using similies to describe.

Eventually we will have written our own poems.

In the Autumn Term we did ...

Biographies!! We are going to start by using biographies about the artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci, a European artist we looked at last term.

We are going to:


- use biographies of inventors to practise our reading comprehension skills;

- look at our verb tenses and learn about the perfect form of verbs;

- identify/use verbs, adverbs and adverbials in our writing when thinking about inventions and

- finally, we will write a biography of an inventor!


How To Train Your Dragon


This term we read the book 'How To Train Your Dragon' by Cressida Cowell.


We learnt about the wonderful characters Hiccup, Stoick, Fish Legs, Gobber the Belch and many more.


We developed our knowledge further by studying pronouns, adverbials and dialogue punctuation.


We wrote our own chapter by exploring the plot, characters, setting and style.







We focused on imagery during this unit. We revisited how poetry uses similes and metaphors to create powerful images.


We used Jenny Baker's collage idea of 'The Window' in her picture book to inspire our own descriptive poetry.