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In the Summer Term, our topic is 'Tales from around the World'. Check out the learning experiences page for pictures of our learning. 

We will be learning traditional tales, fairy tales, Heroes and Villains, Magic and Fantasy stories, Tales from Africa and other Countries and Telling our own stories. We will be planting and growing in our garden and look forward to Fry (our school dog) joining us on a few occasions. 


The stories of 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' will form part of our storytelling.  We will learn to read and recognise set 2 sounds and words, we will be writing sentences and learning how to do this independently and in maths we will be learning about numbers 20 and beyond, Sharing and grouping and 3D Shapes.  


On a Wednesday, we have show and tell time and children have the opportunity to share their own experiences.  The can bring an object from home to support this.  It could be a photograph, book or an event that has happened that they would like to talk about. (We do not recommend bringing in toys.)


As we embark on our final term of Reception, we will begin to think about what it means to move up to year 1. We will visit year 1 classrooms and talk about the transition in order to be prepared as much as possible. We have had the best Reception journey so far!


The Early Years Team