Home Page

Welcome to RJB


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Hello everyone,

Hope you are well and keeping safe. 


Home Learning

As you know we are busy creating home learning packs as currently we are unable to be in school learning.   

Please we would love to see your work, so [lease take photos and share through the class email and we will upload them onto our class page.

Please keep safe and remember to listen to your grown-ups and to "wash your hands". 

I am looking forward to seeing all your lovely work.

Mrs. Bryant


Useful sites for home learning


https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/3-5-years/counting (maths games)


https://www.ictgames.com/  (useful for both maths and phonics)





https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (phonics games and printable sheets- they are currently offering free access to all areas)



https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ (currently free to access reading books whilst at home)


Read Write Inc. (school phonics scheme)

These are links to the scheme that is used in school.  It gives you some more information about it, and there are currently free daily lessons on YouTube


https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/ (home learning)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ (home learning and daily phonics lessons)


General learning/home ideas and resources

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/eyfs-early-years/z6bgnrd (range of learning opportunities and games for the Early Years)




In class this half term, Autumn 2, we are learning about  "People Who Help Us" 


We are learning about all the different people who help us in school, families and in the community, e.g Firefighters, Police, Dentist, Doctors/Nurses and Vets.   


We are also continuing to learn how to become independent learners by choosing our own activities and learning, and also how to put on our own coats



Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for the weather.

e.g. coats, as they have access to the outdoors for most of the day.


Also, a book bag is useful for bringing home reading books, letters and drawings etc.



We are beginning to learn our phonic sounds in Read Write Inc.  Parents may find this a useful link in finding out about how we teach early phonics and reading.





EYFS Class Assembly

EYFS assembly is on Friday 15th November.




PE is on a WEDNESDAY afternoon. 

Children are continuing to get dressed for PE independently

It will help your child enormously if they they practice this at home.




In class this half term, Autumn 1, we are learning about "Marvellous Me!" 


We are learning about our bodies, where we live, our families and how to look after ourselves.   

We are also learning how to become independent learners by choosing our own activities and learning, and also how to put on our own coats and shoes


Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for the weather

e.g. coats, as they have access to the outdoors for most of the day.


Also, a book bag is useful for bringing home reading books, letters and drawings etc.



PE is on a Monday afternoon

At present children are only removing shoes and socks, but as the term progresses they will begin to learn how to get dressed for PE independently

It will help your child enormously if they they practise this at home.


EYFS Class Assembly

Class assembly is on Friday 15th November.



Storytelling - Rainbow Fish

We have adapted the story of "The Rainbow Fish" and have been learning the words and actions to help re-tell it. 

We also have some special "WOW" words that we have been learning  to support the children's growing vocabulary:







Why not try and use them at home too?


Here is a copy of the story...

The Rainbow Fish

Here are some songs we have be learning....

Wake Up!

My Head, My Shoulders

Autumn Term so far.....