Welcome to 1S!
Our topic is People Who Help Us. So far we have asked some questions that we are going to investigate this term.
Some reminders:
Please read with your child as often as possible.
Please make sure that your child has their book bag in school and
PE kits need to be in school.
They will need an outdoor kit suitable for the colder weather.
English homework is due in on Thursdays and Maths is due in on Fridays.
As the weather is now very changeable, could you make sure that your child is dressed appropriately and has a coat in school everyday.
Thank you.
Spring Term
This term our enquiry is about the UK. Children are investigating three main areas:
Natural and man made geographical features of the UK
If you have any resources that may help with finding out about these topics (books/photos/memorabilia), they would be welcome and returned when the topic is finished.
We are learning the story "Katie Morag and the two Grandmothers". The children have been learning the story and also have learnt some actions to support their storytelling skills
We are practicing our adding and subtraction to 20. We are learning to order and write numbers, and what is one more and one less. We are learning to use first, second, third etc. We have also been learning about the time to the hour and the half hour, and also earlier and later.
Autumn Term
Recently we went to visit Grays Fire Station and museum. We learnt about fire safety, and about old and new fire fighting equipment. The children had lots of fun whilst they were learning and even got to try out the fire hose!
Thank you to Roger Pickett and his Blue watch team.
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