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This term we are going to explore Fractions Unit first, then followed by Money Unit. In this small step, children build on their understanding of numerators and denominators to unitise fractions and add them together. They read calculations such as 1 5 + 2 5 as “1 fifth plus 2 fifths” and unitise the fifth to work out that the answer is 3 fifths, or 3 5 . They should recognise that adding unit fractions with the same denominator creates a non-unit fraction. While learning about he Money, children continue to build on their understanding of pounds and pence by adding money. They will explore different representations to add money. Then, by using physical notes and coins to add two amounts, they  move on to more abstract representations such as part-whole models and bar models. For some questions, children need to use their knowledge of converting money to exchange £1 for 100p. In other questions, they are given the amount of change and need to find the total amount of a set of items.




Mass and Capacity

This term we are going to explore mass and capacity. We will be measuring in grams and kilograms, finding equivalent masses for comparison for addition and subtraction. We will be looking at volume in liters and milliliters. We will look at what he maximum amount of liquid a container can hold when full. We will explore the differences between capacity and volume and measure how many milliliters are in one liter.

Length and Perimeter

In this unit we will be looking at a range of measurements.

We will look at how to use a ruler correctly and how to measure in m, cm and mm.

We will compare a range of measurements and learn how to convert between them.

Finally we will learnt what perimeter is and how to calculate the perimeter of a range of shapes.

Multiplication and Division

We are learning a lot about multiplication and division.

We have started by recapping the times tables that we have learning in Year 2.


The 2 times table


2  4  6  8  10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24

The 5 times table

5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60

The 10 times table

10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100  110  120


Now we are learning our 3s, 4s and 8s!

Addition and Subtraction

In this unit we are looking at how to add and subtract numbers.

To do this we are using our knowledge of place value that we worked on in the unit before.

We are building on our prior learning in year 1 and 2 and starting to use formal method for addition and subtraction.


Here are some examples of this below...

Place Value

Our first unit is about place value.

We will be learning the value of 2 and 3-digit numbers.

We will be looking at how to partition those numbers.


Here is an example of what we will be looking at in this unit.