Bakery Project!
As part of our Summer learning in Maths, the children have been consolidating their learning across Year 6 into a project all about running a bakery. The children have learnt how to budget, choose supermarkets for costings and problem solve. They have thoroughly enjoyed the unit so far, being young mini entrepreneurs and running their own bakery.
We are currently looking at the following topics this half term: the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages, ratio, area and statistics. Keep an eye out for some games and support with revision at home.
This half term in Year 6 we have been building on our previous knowledge of fractions and we have learnt how to add, subtract, multiply and divide them! We have worked really hard to perfect these skills. Here a few games below you could play at home to improve your skills further.
In the Autumn term, we have been focussing on the four main operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We applied our knowledge of place value to these units, building on our skills. Below is a link to some arithmetic questions
TTRS Competition
We have set up a monthly battle between both Year 6 classes on TT Rockstars. The battle will restart each month, make sure you log on and contribute towards your class for the win!
BIDMAS - Recently, we have been learning all about BIDMAS to solve equations. Here is a helpful website to help you remember this handy acronym.
B - Brackets I- Indices D- Division M- Multiplication A- Addition S- Subtraction
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