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Class and School Council at Shaw Primary Academy


At Shaw we have are proud to have pupil representatives that take part in Class and School Council meetings.  These councils are in place so that pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them.  Through Class Council all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues, share ideas and take part in discussions that involve all of their classmates in reaching a democratic solution.  Wider issues that arise at Class Council are discussed further at School Council, this ensures that as many pupil voices as possible are heard.  Pupils at Shaw know that this is their school and their thoughts and ideas matter. 


  • Class council officials should be nominated and then voted in by their class mates – they should not be chosen by their teachers.

  • Elections should be held half termly.

  • The Chair should lead the meetings with you coaching and modelling if necessary – the longer term idea is that children can do this virtually unaided.

  • An ‘agenda’ (either a whiteboard, laminated sheet of card or book) will be on the wall throughout the week with a whiteboard pen or pencil easily accessible.

  • Throughout the week children will jot any issues, concerns, worries or ideas etc. that they wish to discuss at the class council meeting.

  • At the meeting the Chair will raise the first item on the agenda and invite the person who wrote it to explain their point of view.

  • The Chair then invites the rest of the class to discuss the matter and reach some sort of resolution.

  • The Secretary then makes a note of what has been decided in the minutes.

  • If the resolution can be reached by adjusting something in class or by speaking to a member of the leadership team, then it need not be taken to School Council.

  • If the resolution is something that the class feels should be shared with School Council to allow wider discussion then a note will be made in the minutes to make this clear.


  • Class Council members should bring the minute book to School Council and raise any relevant issues for wider discussion and whole school resolution.


Some examples – On the agenda a child has written ‘no pencil sharpeners or rubbers’, the chair invites that child to explain their point and they may say that they can never find one, or the sharpeners never work etc.  The class will then discuss their points of view and all agree a way forward.  The resolution may be that the class teacher is going to get some more for the class and they will be stored in a certain place, may be worth a monitor etc.  The secretary writes this down and the next item on the agenda is discussed.  This item does not need to go to School Council as it has been resolved at class level. 


Next item, ‘Broken playground toys/equipment’ the chair invites the writer to explain their point and further discussion takes place as above.  The resolution may be that all children in the school need to be reminded about playing appropriately with the toys, or perhaps they have a suggestion for a change to the way the toys are given out etc.  This item should go to School Council for discussion because it affects all children and requires wider discussion and resolution; this is minuted and taken to School Council. 


School Council then discusses the matter using the same structure as Class Council; the resolution at school council may be that the Class Council officials simply remind their classes about appropriate play etc.  They may want to speak with a senior member of staff with an alternative suggestion; any number of resolutions may be reached by the School Council members.

Some examples of items discussed at school council this year


During our most recent school council meeting, Year 6 children brought letters that they had written after our previous meeting. These letters were written for Ms Kimpton to ask about the reinstating of sauces and salt in the lunch hall. Ms Kimpton responded to the Year 6 children via email explaining that she would have to speak to the catering services to see what could be done. Thurrock Catering were able to explain the rules around sauces and salt at lunch. It has been agreed that we will trial having tomato sauce in the lunch hall, thanks to the efforts of the Year 6 children.




Below are some of the issues raised by the school councillors this year after being brought up in class councils during the half term and what we decided going forward:


  • Children in 1DL wanted a day for dressing up. Children from KS2 were able to remind them about the opportunities that we have within school for dressing up (e.g World Book Day).  
  • Children in 2M and 3SO asked about resources for when they play outside at playtime. The councillors from 3G reminded children in 2M what was available for them outside and that if any of the equipment is damaged then they must report to their teacher. Ms Tomlinson was also able to share with 3SO that resources such as chalk and books for the quiet area were already being organised by Miss Arnott. 
  • 3G asked for the school discos to be reinstated as they haven't happened for some time. Children in Year 5 and 6 were aware that we need support of our adults at home to run the events. Ms Tomlinson spoke to them about how if we want these events to happen then Mrs Downes needs their adults to sign up to the Friends of Shaw. She meets with the group regularly and plan events like discos and inflatables day.
  • 5k asked about the possibility of a borrowing system for books on the library. Several children found that there were some interesting non-fiction books on the library bus. Ms Tomlinson said that this was something she was looking into but needed a little help from her monitors to ensure the bus is organised and tidy before putting something in place.
  • Year 5 also asked about footballs being pumped up as they are going flat. They were told to feedback that they need to ensure that they are telling their teachers. Teachers can then ask the PE leads for a pump/find out where the pump lives
  • The rope section of the adventure trail, which has broken, was reported by some children. The ropes have previously been removed to ensure safety. Children asked if something could be done to fix the area.
  • Year 6 children asked about having a tuck shop which they would run. They wanted to ensure that children who come without a snack had the opportunity to buy one before/during school. Ms Tomlinson explained that we used to have a tuck shop some years ago and we had to stop doing it.


Actions Taken:

Letter about World Book day to go out during the Spring Term.

Toys and books were organised by Miss Arnott to be on the playground each day.

Miss Tomlinson spoke to Mrs Downes who has sent reminder texts/emails to parents about the Friends of Shaw.

Year 5 spoke to Miss Goodwin about the location of the pumps for the balls and can now sort the ball out when needed.

Miss Arnott arranged for some children to create some decorations for the outdoor space and to cheer up the space on the adventure trail where the ropes used to be.

Tuck shop - Ms Kimpton wrote to Year 6 to explain that unfortunately we are unable to have a tuck shop due to a variety of reasons.

Changes Made by School Council Last Year


  • In the autumn term, 6NT children discussed at their class council meetings that they missed eating their lunch in the school hall which hasn't happened since the first closure for coronavirus in March 2020. During the term they collated a list of reasons why they should be allowed to return to the hall and the class councillors presented this at our school council meeting. 6NT's representatives shared their most important reasons for wanting to return lunchtimes to how they had worked before. Several other councillors agreed with the points put forward by 6NT. These were then shared with Ms Copping who agreed to plan how some of the previous school lunch arrangements could be reinstated. 


As of December 2022, all of Key Stage Two are eating in the hall during lunchtimes.

6NT - school council argument for eating lunch in the hall


Why we think lunches should be back in the hall
1. We don’t wont the smell of food in the classroom or crumbs on the floor incase this affects Fry
2. Food would not be wasted as we will be able to choose which ‘sides’ we have e.g. how much veg we are given
3. We would be able to have better desserts such as chocolate cake and chocolate custard or the sprinkle cake
4. We could go out to play when we are finished rather than waiting for everyone else to finish
5. The paper boxes we use can get soggy with gravy or juices from the food which leave wetness on our classroom tables
6. We would like to think of our classroom as a ‘working space’ not an ‘eating space’
7. It’s nice to get out of the classroom – we love this in our learning too!
8. There would be much less waste if we used plates in the hall which in turn is better for the environment
9. It will save the school money if we do not need to pay for the boxes and use the plates we already have
10. We want the ‘scraping job’ back in place which we will happily take turns for.
11. Sometimes the paper from the boxes gets stuck to our food - this would not happen with plates.
12. Christmas dinner should be together in the hall!
13. We could use the tables outside to eat in the summer or even have packed lunches on the field which will reduce the amount of people in the halls.
14. We often get less than 20 minutes to play because we have to wait for other children to come in
15. As we are on separate playgrounds now, it will be easier to call everyone in
16. Some teachers like to work through their lunch but they can’t when their classroom is filled with children and noise
17. The dinner ladies will be able to work together rather than on their own in a classroom
18. We wont need smelly food bins in the corridor

If the answer is still no, we would like to compromise by asking if we could have special occasions in the hall for dinner, such as Christmas dinner.

  • In the spring term, 3G asked that we reinstate the Year 6 monitors on both of the external doors. They asked that monitors be allowed, as before, to let children in the building for the toilet during lunchtime as there is not always an adult available to let them in.


Ms Tomlinson agreed to assign monitors to start the next week for both the year 3/4 doors and the 5/6 doors.

  • 3S brought to school council that they would like to consider the nature garden as an outdoor learning space and therefore they would like to purchase a whiteboard and table to act as a workspace. Ms Copping agreed this would be a good idea for teaching out in the garden and requested that Mrs Stevens - the science lead - and her class price up the required resources and feedback to her. 


Mrs Stevens and 3S have priced up the whiteboard and considered the dimensions of the table in the garden which she will now speak to Ms Copping about.