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Welcome to spring term!


Our topic this term is Mountains and Volcanoes!!

Image result for images of mountains We will be learning about the different features of a volcanoes and mountains.

     How they are formed, In DT we will be  creating our own  globes including 

      adding the features and textures of land and mountain ranges.



PE takes place on Wednesdays (Indoor) and Fridays (Outdoor), please ensure your child

has the PE kit at school on these days.


Ooutdoor P.E,  we will be continuing to learn more skills in football. 


Indoor P.E,  we are moving onto the topic of flight.

Children will be exploring jumping, rolling, contrasting shapes and placing these into a sequence.





In science we are going to be learning about the reproduction of plants and animals.


We will be looking closely at parts of a plant and how and who helps with its reproduction process.


See the source image 


tt Rock stars


Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday our class practices our times tables  using TT Rock stars. This enables your child to gain a greater understanding of their times tables.

Have a go and create your own character and see how good you are!


Follow the link below and have a go!



In English we have been busy writing a narrative story. We have been exploring some texts about pirates and using adventurous vocabulary ( plodding, soiled, livid, trundled and many more..:)


In Art/DT we are going to focus on Mountains and Volcanoes. We are going

to explore famous artists painting such beautiful landscapes.