During this term, we will be looking at a new topic! We will be learning about the country India, so far we have discovered where India is in the world and what route we would take to get there.
We have loved looking at Indian art work and their amazing and colourful patterns. In art we will be creating our own patterns which will decorate scarfs which we will be designing ourselves.
In PE we have been choreographing our own Bollywood style dances, we can’t wait to show you some of our hard work in our class assembly in February.
4R have loved learning all about the Ancient Egyptians during this term. We know all about the pharaohs and the interesting things they did when they were ruling. We’ve made our own trump cards for the Egyptian God’s and pharaohs and have enjoyed playing with them during our history lessons.
We’ve even had a go at making out own pyramids!
We’ve worked really hard in our Spanish lessons and we now know the colours and body parts. Now we can make up our own Spanish songs to learn even more words.
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