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The Governing Body is a group of volunteers from the school and local community who are elected to make decisions about how the school is run and how the school’s budget is allocated.  Each Governor serves for a period of four years after which they can choose stand for re-election.                                                     


The Governing body meets 6 times per year and does not currently include separate committees.  Three meetings per year have a focus on Learning and Teaching and the other three meetings focus on Resources which includes Finance, Personnel, Audit and Risk. 


Parent Governors are a valuable part of the school’s Governing Body.  They are able to voice parental concerns and ensure that communication between the school and parents is informative and easy to understand.   At times when there is a vacancy for a Parent Governor the school will write to all parents asking for nominations. 


If you are interested in finding out more, or if you would like to raise an issue to the Governing Body, please write to the school office om admin@shawprimary.thurrock.sch.uk       



Chair of Governors

 Stephen Sweeting – Safeguarding, Pupil Premium and Looked After Children



 Jeff Seddon (Parent) Vice Chair

 Szilvia Serer (Parent) Learning and Teaching



 Dawn Kimpton - Headteacher and Accounting Officer

 Modupe Awolola -  SEND

 Jeff Seddon - Pupil Data and H&S

 Chloe Clark - Staff

 Tanya Procter - Staff

 Heather Rogers – (Parent) Learning and Teaching

 Szilvia Serer – (Parent) Teaching and Learning

 Jamie Lee-Eaglen (Parent) Finance

 Beverley Fairman - (Parent)Chair of Audit and Risk




Emma Terris


Meet Our Governors

Stephen Sweeting – Chair of Governors

As well as being a governor for Shaw Primary Academy I am also the Chair of Governors for another school, a member of the School Forum for Thurrock and a committee member of my local Scout Group and act as treasurer.  My personal background is based around human resources and executive support and administration.  

I have lived in South Ockendon all my life and have seen the area grow and understand all the new opportunities this has provided but also understand the problems this presents as well.

I believe passionately that the best way we can ensure our children can face these challenges going forward is to have the best education we can provide.  As a governor, I believe that this does not mean an education based purely on academic achievement but to develop our children to be well-rounded individuals as well.  

I am to work closely with the academy in helping them achieve well-educated, engaged and empowered young people.

Jeff Seddon - Co-opted Governor

I have been a governor at Shaw since March 2019, and currently hold the position of Vice Chair.

Initially I was a parent governor, then in January 2022 I moved away from the area, so no longer a parent at the school. I feel that this has given me different points of view. Initially, I wanted the best for Shaw, which also meant my own child would benefit, but now I still have the same focus and want to continue to ensure Shaw offers the best it can for all.

I have had varying roles in my time as a governor. At first I overlooked Health & Safety as it tied in with my working role as a Facilities Manager. Now I oversee the data of how all children are performing in school and ensure that relevant steps are taken to help children achieve the education they deserve. My role as a Vice Chair means I step in for the Chair in his absence by chairing meetings as and when required.

Governor meetings are a great place to catch up with other governors, staff and the Head, and to contribute to making a difference to how Shaw is run.

Beverley Fairman - Parent Governor Chair of Audit and Risk

I have been a governor at Shaw Primary Academy since October 2022. I have two young children at Shaw and I am proud to be able to support the school in its ongoing development and improvement in the education it provides. I myself come from a teaching background and although I no longer work in education full time it is still a huge passion of mine. I have also served as a teacher governor during one of my previous teaching posts. I taught at Primary School level for 9 years and have good experience of being part of the senior leadership of a school. As a parent I was already hugely impressed by Shaw and how the school runs on a daily basis and it’s now nice to, as a governor, have a greater insight into the bigger picture of the school and an input into making things even better for every pupil that attends.

Modupe Awolola - Co-Opted Governor

I am a governor at Shaw. I consider this role to be a privilege and an excellent opportunity to contribute to the decisions that shape our school and impact positively on pupils and staff. Furthermore, I am able to bring an understanding of the school’s ethos, culture and in-depth professional knowledge of our strengths and areas for development. 

As a key stakeholder, this role enables me to foster a relationship between teachers and governors whilst developing the process of evaluation, improvement and strategic development of the school.

Heather Rogers - Parent Governor

Hi, I'm Heather and I am a governor for Shaw Primary, but this does not solely define me. I am a mum of 8 with a passion for helping others.  I always find myself volunteering for causes be it on Friends of Shaw, animal sanctuaries or historical sites. My passion means that by being a school governor I can help contribute  to make sure that our children get the education and help they need to exceed in school and in life. 

Szilvia Serer - Parent Governor

Being a governor at Shaw Primary Academy has allowed me to give back to the community and work closely with the school's leadership team. I am impressed by the school's emphasis on inclusivity and diversity in its curriculum and extracurricular activities, as well as the staff's dedication to providing high-quality education for all students.

Additionally, my background as a Financial Controller has given me a strong interest in finance. 

I am proud to be part of the governing body and look forward to continuing my work with the school.

Tanya Proctor - Support  Staff Governor

I have worked at Shaw Primary Academy for 17 years.  Serving as a school governor allows me to contribute to the overall development and improvement of the education institution, including actively participating in decision-making processes, influencing policies and shaping the direction of the school’s future.

Being a Shaw Primary Academy school governor allows me to advocate for the wellbeing of students and staff.  Gaining first hand knowledge of the school’s operations, curriculum and teaching methods ensures the school provides the best possible learning environment.  

Serving on the governing board also deepens my understanding of the whole educational system which will ultimately make a lasting impact on the lives of the children, their families and the surrounding community. 

Chloe Clark- Teacher Governor

As I am teacher at Shaw Primary Academy,  I am able to share my first-hand knowledge of the teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom and have a solid understanding of the school’s values, ethos and wider community. I have a clear understanding of how the schools’ curriculum is designed and implemented so I am able to bring my in-depth knowledge and expertise of these areas to my role as a governor.  I take pride in representing the teaching staff as a governor at our school and enjoy contributing to key decisions which directly impact the pupils, teaching and learning and the whole school community.

Register of Interest

Attendance Logs