It is aspirations week this week. We are really enjoying thinking about our futures and what we can do today to help us reach our dreams. We have experienced lots of different jobs so far and are looking forward to even more throughout the week. Some of the jobs we have had a go at include baker, personal trainer, air hostess, palaeontologist, LEGO creator and sweet taster.
Here are some pictures of our week so far.
Wednesday - Chef Jamie, Nurses and owning our own restaurant.
End of the week - CAD, writer, fireman, Handbag designer, Tea Taster and photographers. Just a normal week at school carrying out a whole range of different jobs. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, as did all of the staff!
Welcome to 3SK!
In our first term we learnt lots about the Ancient Egyptians. In the Spring term we really enjoyed learning all about India. We especially enjoyed the Bollywood dancing and eating chapattis. We hope that everyone who came to our Indian market enjoyed seeing out learning.
This term we are travelling even further than India. Our new topic is Earth and beyond and it is going to take us on a journey further than we could ever imagine. We are very much looking forward to learning about what is out there beyond our planet.
We are loving our space topic. We have learnt lots and been able to do some of our own personal research into our topics of interest. One afternoon we went outside and put the planets into the order we thought they go in. We all now know the correct order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Our English and Indian Markets
As part of our India topic we have learnt about market trade both in India and here in England. We paired with 3I to each create our own market, we made the English one, and they did the Indian one. We all got to visit both markets and also sell the goods at our English one. We had a great afternoon.
We were very lucky last term to work with a professional dancer and pianist from The Royal Opera House. Dani and Francis are no longer coming in to teach us, but we are now onto the next part of our dancing, and we are now creating our very own dance as a class that we will perform to other schools at the Thameside Theatre. We have been learning Bollywood dance moves. Keep checking here to see some videos of us practicing.
Check out some of these websites for cool science games and learning for our topic Earth and Beyond. You will also find some websites for our India topic we have just finished in case you want to continue learning about this at home.
There were lots of children who took part in the poetry competition. It started within our classes where children who wanted to take part performed a poem either in a group or individually. The chosen group and individual from each class then performed to the whole of key stage 2 and a panel of judges. 3SK did amazingly well with this and both an individual and a group from our class got through to the next round, performing in front of other schools and judges at Kenningtons Primary.
A big well done to Madison who was our individual for getting this far and for putting on an amazing performance, we are all incredible proud of her.
The girls group got through to the final at Blackshots and they put on a great performance. They had to perform on a bug stage in front of lots of people and they did a great job! All the girls got a medal and did our school proud. Well done Bonita, Amber, Ellie and Kateshalom.
Well done to everybody for thier amazing dancing during our lessons with Dani and Francis from The Royal Opera House. Miss Skingley took some children to audition to become a part of The Chance to Dance company, where they will attend dance lessons every week. Congratulations to Louisa who got accepted to be a part of the company. We hope to see you on the stage in the future!
The Nutcracker
3SK and 3I were incredible lucky to go and see a performance of The Nutcracker and The Royal Opera House just before christmas. It was magical and experience we are all pleased to say we were a part of. Thank you to The Royal Opera House for inviting us, all the parents who paid a contribution to allow us to get the coach there and all the staff and parents that came with us. It truly was a fantastic day.
First Aid Training
We were very lucky to have some St Johns Ambulance first aid training. We learnt lots about to look after ourselves and others when there was an emergency.
First Aid Training
World Religion Week last term - we had so much fun!
Reading Bug
Remember Miss Skingley has the reading bug and cannot stop reading! Make sure you read your book every day, and if you want to write a book review about it to be displayed in the library for all to see, then just as Miss Skingley for a book review sheet. If you read a good book be sure to share it with everyone else so we can all enjoy it.
Also don't forget to visit Bug Club!
Reading Tree
Remember that we now have the reading tree too. Make sure you read lots of books at home to get leaves on the tree for all to see. 3SK want to have the most leaves on thier branch and we can all help to achieve this by reading at home and letting Miss Skingley know.
Well done to those children who already have a green leaf, we will even be getting some red ones next week.
Green - Ryan C, Jay, Naomi, Bonita, Patrycja, Callum L, Ellie and Connor
We are continuing to learn the recorder this term. This term we are creating our own pieces of music using the notes that we have learnt B, A, G and C. Keep coming back here because once we have created our pieces of music we will put them on here for you to enjoy too.
So far this year we have learnt key phrases and numbers 1-10. Now we are learning numbers 11-20. Here are all the numbers for you to practice.
Spanish Song
Egyptian Websites
Although our Ancient Egyptians topic has finished, you can still learn more about them on these websites. Remember that BBC schools is a good one, as is Woodlands.
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