Welcome to 1BW!
After snails sliming their way across trays of soil in science lessons last half-term, we are hoping to see chicks emerging from eggs before our eyes in the next few weeks. Will they cheep and chirp immediately? Do the ‘boys’ really have different coloured fluffy feathers from the ‘girls’? There will be so much to find out.
So far we have focused on ourselves, making up our family trees, mapping out our lives to date and even planting our own time capsule to be unearthed when we are in Year 6.
We have produced our own self-portraits out of paint, pastels and pasta pieces. This week we have made stick puppets for our own ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ 1WD theatre production!. There is whisper of some old toys being rediscovered and who knows, Winnie-the-Pooh and piglet could even make an appearance, but will Tigger bounce in on the act too?
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