Some important information:
PE takes place on Thursday (indoor) and Wedenesday (outdoor), please ensure your children have their PE kits at school on these days.
Welcome to 4C's class page
We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been getting up to in class each term :)
Summer Term
Welcome to our new term!
Our new topic this term is the Tudors, a really significant period of history, which still ripples throughout English society today. During this term, we will be doing lots of exciting work around the Tudor period including comparing key monarchs, writing diary entries and creating our ownTudor recipes. Keep an eye out for pictures throughout the term!
In Science this term we will be understanding where food goes in the body and how to keep our teeth healthy. We will be exploring all of this through a range of investigations and research.
We had lots of fun during Science week, finding out all about the different Oceans around the world, the creatures that live in each layer and how we can protect them!
We had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day in school this term! During that whole week, we visited the library, took part in a dance workshop, dressed up as pirates and even met a real author and heard her speak about her amazing books!
Take a look at us having fun around books...
Spring Term
Our topic for this term is 'Mountains and Volcanoes.' We are going to be having lots of fun exploring the features of each, how they are formed and creating some of our own versions within DT! Take a look at our progress so far!
In English we looked at narratives
We focused on the story 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf.'
As a class, we read the story together, acted it out and then learnt to retell the whole thing using a range of story actions. We had lots of fun coming up with some suitable actions and taking on the different roles of the characters.
We then adapted the story to eventually write our own narratives with a moral ending.
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