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Welcome Back!


Just a few reminders:


- We do PE outside on a Monday with the West Ham Football Coaches. We go out regardless of how cold it is, so please ensure that your children have an appropriate kit in school.


- On Thursday we are going swimming, so all children must have a swimming kit, including: a swimming hat, goggles and a towel. The cost of swimming is £2.50 a lesson.



In Science, we have been learning how to classify animals and plants.

In Science we have been investigating circuits.

Welcome to Year 6!


I'm glad to see everyone has settled back into the school routine. We've had a busy few weeks already.


In Year 6 we are busy learning about the Victorians, playing football with the West Ham coaches and learning about the circulatory system in science.


We have already started our journey to becoming Rock Heroes in maths using Times Table Rockstars, which can be accessed at home.


We do PE on a Monday (football) so please ensure your child has a PE kit in school.

We have sent home reading books and are well on our way to adding lots of lovely leaves to our reading tree.


We're looking forward to a busy and exciting year!


Miss Tomlinson, Miss Smith and Mrs Spence