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It's the Summer Term 1SD



This half term our topic is 'The Olympics'


In year 1 we are teaching the children to be independent learners by following an enquiry base learning approach, we begin with a topic and discuss what the children already know. The children then come up with questions to find out what they would like to learn about that topic. They are then grouped based on the subject they are most interested in:


This half term our topic is 'The Olympics'

We have three groups: Types of olympicsLogistics and History.

Each week the children will be taught to research and investigate answers

to their own questions.


Here are Some Olympic activities to have a go at home.

Just a couple of reminders:

*P.E. is on Monday and Thursday afternoons, so please make sure you

have your kit with you, don't forget something warm for outdoor P.E.


*Remember your book bags everyday, so we can make sure that you

are reading with an adult in school as well as at home. 

Let's see how many "leaves" we can collect!

Video Log Week 4

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Video Log Week 3

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A little bit of information to tell you what we have been up to...

Video Log Week 2

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Video Log Week 1

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Kidz Fit Workshop 03.05.16

Maths Week

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This week we have explored maths in lots of different ways...

KS1 Visit Thames Chase Forest Centre to hunt for Stickman!!!


On Wednesday 16th March all children in KS1 went on a coach trip to Thames Chase Forest Centre in order to search and find Stickman. We followed a map and the paths signposts and had to complete challenges along the way.


Throughout our visit we found a dog, a swan, a rabbit, Stick lady and their stick children and had almost given up hope.


Luckily as we neared the coach to be on our way home when we finally found him!!


We all had a lovely time and was really pleased to be able to send Stickman on his way back to the family tree.



Photo's of our day

National Storytelling Week and Book Week

During Science week:


As part of science week we had an animal workshop. Sophie brought in a variety of different animals – Reptiles, amphibians and mini beasts. We met, were able to touch/hold and learn all about, a gecko, scorpion, salamander, millipede and a royal python.


Test your knowledge about animals with this game: 



Can you find the mammals?


Animal Workshop