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Shaw Primary Academy
Avon Green
South Ockendon

RM15 5QJ


Telephone: 01708 852367

Email: admin@shawprimary.thurrock.sch.uk


Please contact the school office on the main number or email address above for general queries or see below for our Family Support Officer contact information.


Alternatively, if you have a non-urgent query and/or request, please complete an orange slip at reception and someone will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.  


Headteacher - Ms D Kimpton

Deputy Head - Miss C Arnott

Assistant Head - Ms A Newland

Inclusion Manager - Mrs L Dobson

SENCO - Miss S Skingley / Mrs J Stephens

Chair of Governors - Mr S Sweeting - contact using school admin email



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Family Partnership Support Officer 


Being a parent can be a rewarding and happy experience   however, there can also be times of worry and difficulty, and this is where the Family Partnership Support Officer (FPSO) may be of help. You can contact Mrs K Downes - fpso@shawprimary.thurrock.sch.uk

Our FPSO may be able help during challenging times with practical help and emotional support and whilst they may not have all the answers they will endeavour to find someone who does.

At Shaw we believe that working together, in close partnership with parents, will ensure that your child thrives and will develop both academically and socially to their full potential.


If you would like some more information about our school

please complete the Contact Form below

Thank you



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