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Some Friendly Reminders: 

  • P.E. takes place on Monday (Outdoor) and Thursday (Indoor) afternoons. Please ensure your child has a P.E. kit with them at school on these days. Please label the clothing items in your child's P.E. kit (in addition to that which they wear to school) so that items do not become mixed up with those of other children. Please remember to bring something warm for outdoor P.E. 
  • Please remember to bring your book bag to school with you everyday. This helps us to send messages home to parents and change reading books. 

Enquiry Based Learning: 


In year 1 we are teaching children to become independent learners by following an enquiry based approach to learning. We begin each term with a new topic that we discuss as a class. We discuss what the children already know about the topic at hand and what they would like to find out throughout the course of their enquiry. The children then come up with questions that they would like to research the answers to in their learning. From this children are grouped based on the subject they are interested in most. 


In the Summer term the focus of our Enquiry will be:


Our Local Community   



We will be learning and researching about our local community, including such places as our school, our homes, our shops and more. The children will have opportunities to further explore what they already know about their local community and expand on this knowledge.