Welcome back from our Spring break
Class Dates RJB - Summer term
Our P.E. lessons are on Friday afternoons. We will have external gymnastics coaches teaching. Please ensure PE kit is in school on this day.
Show and Tell and Nature Garden
Wk 1 24th April |
Wk 2 1st May |
Wk 3 8th May |
Wk 4 15th May |
Wk 5 22nd May |
Nature Garden |
Show and tell |
Story telling |
Nature Garden |
Show and tell |
Half term
Wk 1 5th June |
Wk 2 12th June |
Wk 3 19th June |
Wk 4 26th June |
Wk 5 3rd July |
Wk 6 10th July |
Wk 7 17th July |
Story telling |
Nature Garden |
Show and tell |
Story telling |
Nature Garden |
Show and tell |
Story telling |
Our next Stay and Play session will be on Wednesday 12th June from 9.00-9.30 am.
This is an opportunity to look at our books together and talk about our learning.
Our class assembly is on Friday 12th July at 9.10 am in the Infant hall.
Farm visiting school on Friday 17th May
Sports day is on Friday 14th July - details to follow.
Summer term
This term our topic will be 'On the Farm'. We are very much looking forward to finding out about the animals on the farm. we will be using the book 'What the Ladybird Heard' by Julia Donaldson and other farm title books to support our learning.
Welcome to RJB's class page.
Welcome back, Happy New Year
Class Dates - Spring term
Our P.E. lessons are on Thursday afternoons. Please ensure PE kit is returned to school.
Show and Tell is on a Wednesday and once a month we will be visiting the Nature Garden.
Our next Stay and Play session will be on Thursday 7th March from 9.00-9.30 am.
This is an opportunity to look at our books together and talk about our learning.
Our class assembly is on Friday 15th March at 9.10 am in the Infant hall.
Spring term
This term we will be learning about Dinosaurs. We are very much looking forward to finding out about these amazing creatures.
Class Dates - Autumn term
Our P.E. lessons are on Thursday afternoons.
Show and Tell is on a Wednesday and once a month we will be visiting the Nature Garden.
Our class assembly is on Friday 16th November at 9.10 am in the Infant hall.
On Thursday 29th November we will be walking to the library for a visit.
If you are able to come with us please let our teacher know.
Our Christmas play is on Tuesday 4th December. There are two performances; 9:30am and 2:15pm.
Tickets are available to buy, at the cost of £1, on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th November, ask the class teacher for details
What Have We Been Learning?
During our first half term our topic was ‘All About Me’
During this term we learnt the rules and routines which make learning fun and safe.
During our second half term our topic was ‘Story Telling’
We have made Diva lamps after learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali.
We made bread after reading the story of The Little Red Hen.
Come into class and have a look at our pictures made using leaves.
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