Winter's almost over! Hello Spring Term!
This term we have already started learning about our new topic Ancient Rome. We have also learnt about sound and time. Our PE days are now on Thursday (karate) and Friday.
Spring Term
Hello this is George speaking again and I'm updating this website page.
This term we've been learning about the Romans and the last three weeks we had a workshop about it.
Next term we are going to learn about space.
Any technical difficulties, come and see me.
Bye for now!
Hello, it is George here. I am the new Digital Leader for computing around the school.
I help set up the computers for the start of our lessons and help other pupils when they need technical help.
If you require help in your class, fill out the form below.
Christmas is coming!!!
There's been so much great stuff happening! The children have written their own myths and are about to start looking at instructions. They've also been learning about basket ball, Egyptian vases and liquids, solids and gases. In maths we've been learning about multiplication - use the videos below to practice at home. There are also songs from Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat.
Welcome to Year 4!!!
In the Autumn term we will be learning about:
> Electricity in Science
> We will be writing our own newspapers in English
> Learning about place value in Maths
> Writing the coding/creating our own games in Computing
> Making our own 'Technicolour Dream Coat' in D&T and many many more learning opportunities.
Our PE days are Monday (outdoors) and Thursdays (indoors), we will need jogging bottoms as the weather may become colder.
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