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This term 4M are learning about electricity in science.  Before we begin to investigate the key aspects of the subject the children had the opportunity to roll up their sleeves and have a go themselves.  Everyone was able to make a circuit, then progress to powering a buzzer, absolutely fantastic kids!

Children acting out the 'cry wolf' story in English.


After our AMAZING assembly, parents were  invited back to class to help us begin creating out purses.  Not only are the children in year 4 willing to try new things, but it is clear that their parents are also quite talented when it comes to using a variety of different stitches for visual effect.

NTN (Nick Tilly Nunn)

At Shaw we begin our math lessons with practical activities that allow us to observe and assess the children's understanding of certain concepts and theory before we begin the learning process.  They are generally fun and allow the children to challenge themselves and move around the room.


This lesson was looking at different methods used to multiply.


Children are working in groups to control the ball and developing their hand eye coordination, along with small group interaction.


We were so proud that we won the attendance trophy in Autumn, as all the children made it to school on time everyday. 


This term we are learning about mountains and volcanoes in geography, and in DT creating our own 3D map using different materials, which will produce a variety of textures and heights.  In music we are learning to play the drums, it is a noisy affair, but really good fun.  In P.E. we are learning a variety of team games outside and inside we are learning how to use our bodies to create movements and develop routines.  Finally, in PSHE we are discovering the strengths that we posses and how to develop other skills, as we all realise that we are on a journey and no one is good at everything.  We are looking to the future and realising our dreams, creating pictures and aspiration's of what we will look like and particularly the job that we will do.

Photos to follow.


This term we are learning about mountains and volcanoes through the topic of geography.  4M are creating their own 3D map with mountain ranges, made completely from recycled material, GO SHAW!!!


In English this term we have been researching, sorting and writing own non-chronological reports.



Look what you can do when you all work together!


In gymnastics we have been learning how to move our bodies in different ways, eventually putting together short routines of movement and balance.