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We have been making our own programmes in Scratch


We are currently practicing our Christmas production 'Little Angel Gets Her Wings'.

We have lots of songs and lines to learn.

We hope that you can join us on Wednesday 6th December.


Please bring in costumes as soon as possible, in a labelled bag.

Here is our final piece of art!

We've been working with an artist

Welcome to Year 2!


We hope that you've all had a lovely summer. We are looking forward to lots of exciting and fun activities this year.


Miss Tomlinson, Mrs Lizzimore and Mrs Taylor.




This term we will be:

  • Learning about Roald Dahl and Florence Nightingale as part of our history topic 'Significant People'
  • Finding out about animals and their habitats in science
  • In ICT we will be learning to create our own algorithms 
  • We will be dancing and developing our ball skills in PE


We are going to be very busy, but please remember:

  • PE kits must be in school including an outdoor kit as we will go out in the cold weather
  • Reading books should be read at home and brought in everyday. We have box where books can be placed in a morning if they need to be changed
  • Rapid recall tests go home on a Monday ready for the retest on Friday