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Welcome Back!!

Some important messages for this term.

This term our topic is Anglo-Saxons and Vikings!

In P.E we will be learning Karate on a Thursday.

Outdoor P.E is on a Friday.

As Part of music we are learning The Dragon Song!!

We sing this BEAUTIFULLY!!


We have also been performing a dance in PE and Music

Our Routine is below.

Footloose - NTV | GoNoodle

Roots to Food

On thursday we enjoyed a workshop from the Roots to Food company.


We learnt about exercising and keeping healthy and how important it is to eat foods that are good for our bodies and that give us lots of energy.


We then made a delicious and healthy banana milkshake to try!



Banana Milkshake Recipe

In a blender, add:

1 Whole Banana (if you like banana, you can add a little more)


2 Table Spoons of Honey


Fill the rest with milk.





Timetable Week Beginning 1.3.21

Gallery of Amazing Home Learning

Our Monster Pizza Gallery