Summer Term:
We are now in the Summer Term! Take a look at what we will be getting up to and all of our exciting learning.
Art: Plants and Flowers:
In our next Art unit we will be learning how to use pencil, colour, Hapa Zome printing, sculpture and paper modelling to create our own pieces based on a range of different plants and flowers. Throughout the unit, we will be exploring the work of India Flint, Alexander Calder, David Oliveira and Henri Rousseau.
Science: Classification
This term we will be looking at classification and learning all about Linnaeus’ theory and identifying a range of living things and organising them into groups.
History & Geography: Ancient Greece
This term we are going to learning all about what life was like for the Ancient Greeks. Throughout our learning, we will be exploring the geographical features of Greece at this time, look at how the Ancient Greeks lived and discover how this period of history has impacted us today.
Indoor PE: Circuit Training
Outdoor PE: Athletics
Spring Term:
Indoor PE - Dancing through the Decades.
This term we are dancing through the decades. We started off in the 1960's where we learnt about the swinging sixties. Then we swiftly moved onto the 1970's where disco popped up. Next week, we are focussing on 1980's where we focus on hip hop.
Science - Electricity.
This half term, we are learning all about electricity. Take a look at us exploring with electrical equipment, trying to problem solve and create a working circuit.
Topic - Local Area.
As part of our topic for this term, we will be looking into the history and geography of our local area, South Ockendon. We will be looking at the history, using primary and secondary sources and looking deeper into how the area has changed over the years.
Science - Light and Shadow.
This term in Science, we are looking at light and shadows. We will be using our knowledge we already have from previous year groups to apply to new learning.
Art - The Seaside
As part of our Art curriculum this term, our topic is the seaside where we will be looking at a range of artists such as Alfred Wallis and focusing on how the seaside is represented through art. We will begin this unit looking at drawing fish and shells, using pens to draw to add detail carefully.
Computing - Online Safety
This half term, we are looking at online safety and the different strands that exist within this topic. We will look at secure websites, cyber-bullying and how to practice safe internet usage.
Indoor PE - Gymnastics
This term in PE, we are moving onto Gymnastics, focusing on the topic of Rivers and Mountains. We will be using this as an inspiration to replicate rhymetic movements from a river or mountain. We will be moving our bodies in the form of rivers and mountains and creating new and unique shapes with different parts of our body.
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