We have new spellings every Monday and test on a Friday.
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TTRockstars - Time tables
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Our topic for the Summer term is .....
World War II
We have been revising value of coins and using this knoweldge to order, add and subtract money amounts.
Living things and their habitats - 'Name that Living things'
We are developing our knowledge and skills to become experts in the use of classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things.
First we learned about the 7 characteristics of a living thing (MRS NERG/MRS GREN).
Next we went on a habitat hunt to find living things (animals and plants) in the school grounds.
We carefully looked at features of the living things we found in the school grounds. We learned to be able to classify and identify the livings found we needed to ask questions. From this we make a branching database to sort and identify the invertebrates.
We learned how for centuries scientists have used careful and detailed drawing to better understand living things. Charles Darwin a very famous scientist helped to better understand living things from around the world. Although sketches and notes are still made by scientists, the artist Levon Biss is using modern technology, to capture the spectacular detail.
In Maths we have been looking at area and perimeter and made our own compound shapes
In Year 2 we learnt about dinosaurs, Neil Armstrong and the moon landing. In Year 3 we learnt about The Romans and The Egyptians. In Year 4 we are going to be learning about Ancient Maya: how they lived, worshipped and built their cities.
In Art our theme is ‘Bodies’. We have been learning how to use pen, charcoal, felt tip, make maquettes, make paper clothes and sculpt Giacometti-inspired models. We have also had the opportunity to explore the work of ‘Bodies’ artists Julian Opie, Alberto Giacometti and Henry Moore.
In Art we have been exploring body shapes inspired by the work of Julian Opie
In PE we have been learning how to play Hockey
We have also been developing our net and wall games skills through Tennis
Tennis 2.mov
Tennis 3.mov
In Music we have been learning to compose and add texture to a song
We have been developing our animation skills - making mini picture movies
Animation Movie 1.MOV
Animation Movie 2.MOV
Animation Movie 3.MOV
Animation Movie 4.MOV
Our topic for the Autumn Term 2022-2023 is...
'Around Europe in 72 Days'
We have been learning about the human digestive system. We have looked at the function of the teeth in the first stage of the digestive system. This lead us on to having lots of fun exploring the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system.
Art - European Artist
We have been learning about different artists from around Europe including;
Anselm Kiefer - Broken Buildings
Michelangelo - Painting on the Ceiling
Le Corbuiser - Shape Houses
Here we are experiencing 'Painting on the Ceiling' like Michelangelo...
English - Poetry
This term we have been focusing on imagery. We have explored how poems use expanded noun phrases, prepositions, adverbials, similes and metaphors to create powerful images. We have been collecting ideas and working on developing our ideas using the techniques. As a result we have created our own wonderful poems using all the techniques we have learnt.
We have being undertaking 'Outdoor Adventure Activities'. We are developing our problem-solving skills whilst working in small teams, and acquiring new leadership skills. We are learning how to navigate around both a familiar and unfamiliar space, whilst developing basic map-reading skills. Alongside this we are also develop fundamental skills such as agility, balance and coordination.
In this lesson we are working on our teamwork skills - working together, communication, , role during a task. This also required us to
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