Welcome to Year Six!
We are whizzing through the year. We have been working very hard on improving our reading skills by practice questions and focusing on reading learning objectives during our English lessons.
During the alternative week of English, we have been writing our own Ancient Egypt Myths.
Our science topic of 'The Circulatory System' has been completed now and we enjoyed learning about that a lot. We have moved onto 'Electricity' in science and we have already been making circuits and making our own switches. Exploring and finding out for ourselves is what we do best in science.
In the Autumn term we will be learning about:
> The Circulatory System in Science
> We will be writing our own newspapers in English
> Learning about place value in Maths
> Writing the coding/creating our own games in Computing
> Making our own 'Technicolour Dream Coat' in D&T
> Thinking about our achievements so far in Citizenship
and many many more learning opportunities.
Our PE day is on a Wednesday, we will need jogging bottoms as the weather may become colder. We do not start swimming lessons in this class until the spring term.
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