Year 2 Maths Overview
Summer Term.
Our new maths unit is time. We will build on your year 1 knowledge of telling the time to the hour and half past the hour.
By the end of the unit you will be able to tell the time using quarter past, quarter to the hour and tell the time to 5 minutes. You will know how many minutes are in an hour and a day.
Summer Term
This term we will be learning about fractions. We will build on the our pictorial knowledge of halves and quarters to learn how to write a fractions, to recognise and find halves, quarters and thirds. We will learn how different parts make a whole and the importance of equal parts. We will introduce the idea of equivalent fractions.
Spring Term
We will be learning about length, height, mass and temperature. We will be building on our year one knowledge, the importance of using the same unit of measure. We measure using centimetres and metres. We will compare and order lengths and heights, and then solve problems using length and height.
We will solve both one-step and two-step problems relating to lengths and heights. They use concrete and pictorial representations to support them in understanding the questions, and in calculating efficiently.
We will revisit learning from Year 1 as we introduction mass, we will weigh items using grams and kilograms. We will compare weight, volume and capacity. We will compare volume using millilitres and litres. The children will have had experience of using a range of scales to weigh different everyday objects, but may need to revisit this skill. We will solve word problems using mass and volume.
We are learning about money and multiplication and division this term.
Our money unit:
We will develop our knowledge and understanding from year 1 that coins are made up of ones, develop our counting and coin recognition skills beyond pence.
We will start to count and make different amounts with both pence and pounds in year 2. We will also compare amounts of money. We will calculate with money. We will find different ways to make a pound. We will learn how to give the correct change and check our change. Finally, we will solve two step problems using our knowledge of pounds and pence that we have learnt.
Our multiplication and division unit:
In year 2 we will build on our practical knowledge of recognising and making equal groups and sharing using 2, 5 and 10s.
We will now start to recognise and make equal groups to add together. We will then look at the multiplcation symbol, use it in a number sentence and start to look at arrays. We will make equal groups and then share equal groups. We will explore the two times table, dividing by two and then doubling and halving. We will look at even and odd numbers. Finally, we will explore our ten and five times tables and then look at dividing by ten and five.
We are now starting our unit on Shape.
We are building on our prior knowledge that we learnt in year 1 of the names of 2D and 3D shapes and what they look like.
In year 2 will find out about the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes and about symmetry and repeating patterns. By the end of the unit we will know how many vertices, faces and edges a 3D shape might have and whether a 2D shape is symmetrical or not.
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