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In Summer, we will be:


  • learning how to use decimals and how to divide and times by 10
  • developing our knowledge and understanding of shapes
  • learning about money, using our skills from the decimals unit
  • practising how to tell the time
  • learning about position and direction

In the Spring Term we were:

  • Learning how to apply our times tables skills by looking at factors and multiplication and division methods. We will build on our knowledge from Autumn and Year 3. Don't forget to look at what we learn related to times tables further down.
  • Then we are going to revisit measurement by learning about length and perimeter - this links to our learning about area.
  • After that we will be looking at fractions and finding fractions of amounts/shapes. We will be using the terms numerator and denominator.
  • Finally this term we will start looking at decimals. We have done lots of work on whole numbers so far this year.

We are using resources to help us to create arrays to understand factors and Hit the Button for times tables.

In Autumn we were:


  • Learning all about place value - we have been working on reading numbers up to 10,000; rounding numbers to the nearest 1,000 and compare and ordering numbers.
  • Moving on our addition and subtraction skills to work with four digit numbers AND more than one exchange.
  • Finally, we will be working on multiplication and division using our times tables. In year 2 and 3, we learned our 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4 times tables. Look at the links below about learning times tables.


Here are the tables we need to know ...

In Year 4:

We have a big focus on times tables. In class we play times tables games as well as doing our Times Tables Rockstars!!

Please see the link below for the Times Tables Rockstars webpage - every child in Year 4 has a log in.

Try these timestables songs to learn your tables.