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This term, we are learning about Mountains and Volcanoes.


We will be locating and naming mountain ranges around the world, plotting them on maps.

We will link our Topic learning (history and geography) to our Design and Technology learning by creating our own 3D

maps of the world, focusing on oceans, continents and mountain ranges.


Here are some interesting facts about Mountains and Volcanoes:


The highest part of a mountain is called the peak.


An active volcano spews ash and lava.


The tallest mountain in the world is called Mount Everest.



Here is some important information for parents:

  • PE takes place on Thursdays (Indoor-Karate) and Fridays (Outdoor)
  • All PE kits should be in on those days.
  • Spellings and Rapid Recalls go home on Monday and are assessed again on Fridays.
  • We complete Times Tables Rock Stars on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • We encourage children to practice their spellings, reading and rapid recalls while at home.
  • We go to the library bus on Tuesdays after maths and the nature area at the same time on Wednesdays.

Three Times Table Song

We have been learning about the three times tables!

Eight Times Table Song (Cover of All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor)

Laws of Reflection

Our topic for this term is light.

Last term we were learning how to sew:

Music: Practicing on Instruments

Still image for this video
Children had the opportunity to use the instruments while playing two different beats.

Local Library Walk Spring 2019