Last half term we were learning about Fairy tales. We read various stories and retelling them to our peers in class.
Here is a little bit of information about what books we looked at and what we were learning about.
The Three Little Pigs
We explored and experimented with different materials to see what would be best to use to build a house. We tested the materials to see how strong they would be, if they were waterproof and whether or not they would stay up in the wind. We found out that stones were the best option.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
We looked at how to move across the bridge without disturbing the troll.
We also discussed the importance of making the right choices and working together as a team.
Jack and the Beanstalk
We explored our knowledge of money and incorporated this into our play by buying things at the shop.
A few other stories were Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White.
People who help us is our new topic. We will be learning all about the people around us that do lots of helpful things. We have been thinking about all the different people in our lives that are helpful and do lots of wonderful things for us.
Here is our list so far:
Fire Fighters
Dinner Ladies
Mummies and Daddies
Nannies and Grandads
Aunties and Uncles
Brothers and Sisters
In maths we have been learning all about shapes. We have been learning about how many sides and corners that they have. We have also found out that there are flat shapes and solid shapes.
Have a look at some of the shapes we have been making together with our bodies.
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