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Welcome to 1T

 Miss Thompson, Mrs Ernest and Mrs Dobie

Back at School! | Back to School Song | Jack Hartmann - YouTube

Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III

Summer Term



Wonderful Weather

We will be looking at weather forecasts and making our own videos of weather forecasts. Children will have the opportunity to make weather observations and make collages about the seasons. We will make a class weather station that can measure rainfall, wind direction and temperature.



Children will have the opportunity to be introduced to the principles of coding, using the age-appropriate ScratchJr software.

Introduction to Scratch Jr - YouTube



'Nature Sculptures'

The children will have the opportunity to learn about different kinds of nature sculptures and to explore the work of Andy Goldsworthy and other environmental artists.

Look at our Land Art!

In Science 1T made snow! We talked about warm and cold weather, including snow!

Maths - Sharing objects into equal groups.

Maths - Solve one-step division problems.

Maths - 1T enjoyed a practical lesson today. Children had the opportunity to estimate and measure capacities.

Comparing weight - Lighter and heavier.

DT - Dips and dippers. 1T enjoyed evaluating different dips.

Spring Term


Science - Let's Build

We will be exploring different materials and sorting them into groups before writing songs based on their properties! We will consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate! Then recreate the story of the three little pigs and predict what will happen to their houses.


Art - Colour Chaos

We will be choosing, using and mixing colours to create quality art work. The children will have the opportunity to explore the life and work of six key abstract artists and, working primarily in paint, to create pieces in a range of abstract styles.




This term Outdoor PE will be on a Tuesday.

Friday Indoor PE will be with Jays Gymnastics.





Today Fry visited 1T.

In Maths we are learning about measurement. Today we looked at the different size leads for Fry and the various size jackets for Fry. 1T really enjoyed the visit.


Looking for a half and a quarter of an object or shape.

Using different lengths of ribbon, we found a half and one quarter of the length.

Cutting fruit into halves and quarters.

Folding and cutting out different shaped paper, to find one half and one quarter of a shape.

Count in multiples of two.

Count in multiples of five and ten.

Count in multiples of two,five and ten.

Science - Ice observation

World Book Day

In Phonics we are learning Set 2 and 3 sounds.

Click on the Set 2 and Set 3 sounds -

Set 2 sounds

Set 3 sounds

PE Days

Outdoor PE is on a Tuesday

Indoor PE is on a Wednesday

Autumn Term

Topic - Geography

Our Class Bear Bouncer will be travelling across the UK with 1T. We will be learning about directions and looking at maps.


In Science we will be finding out about Ourselves. 

In Art we are using different media to create Portraits.


Today Fry visited our English lesson. Our topic is Poetry: Pattern and Rhyme. Fry's favourite rhyme was 'A Sailor Went To Sea'.


Poetry and Rhyme

We evaluated, performed and memorised a poem called 'Batman's Exercise'.


In Maths we have been counting to 100 in 1s and 10s.



BBC Bitesize - The five senses

We gathered safe and stimulating things to engage the different senses.


Our local area walk

1T had fun investigating our local surroundings.

Today Fry visited our Maths lesson. Fry helped 1T name and describe 2D shapes. 


Friendship Week w/c 14th November 2022

"Odd socks"

Design and Technology

We have been learning to stitch using the running stitch.


Christmas Jumper Day