Keeping in touch.
Hello 1SD, we are so excited to see what you have been doing while we are away from school. Remember you can contact us on our class email to send us pictures of your work and photos of any exciting activities that you have been up to. Keep checking here to see what everyone has been up to. We hope you are staying safe and listening to your grown-ups.
Mrs Day, Mrs Skingley, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lizzimore and Mrs Cheyne.
1SD at home.
Keep checking to see who has sent in pictures.
Messages from the teachers.
Hello my lovely 1SD
I hope you are all well, happy and safe in your homes. Whilst we have got this beautiful weather enjoy it, make the most of it and chill out when all of your hard work is finished. Enjoy the sunshine and help with any gardening and don’t forget to have fun! Please help your parents/carers out around the house. Remember that I miss each and every one of your smiley faces and hopefully it won’t be long until I see you all again! I want you all to know that I am proud, and most of all stay safe and enjoy your time at home.
Mrs Day x
Dear 1SD
I hope you are all keeping safe and listening to your grown-ups. You are all amazing and I’m so proud of you. You are funny, hard-working, messy, kind, caring, noisy and most of all brilliant. I love how much you enjoy being at school and I know you will be remembering to read. I am working hard to find things for you to do so keep coming to the website to find new activities. Remember to tidy up as well at home as you do in class! I am missing you lots and I’m looking forward to when I get to see you again. I can’t wait to hear about what you’ve been doing.
Mrs Skingley
Hello you lot, I can’t tell you how much I am missing you all, even the billion times a day I hear my name. Please keep working hard and remember to write down all those brilliant books you are reading. I have blossoms at the ready for you to colour in and add to our tree. Help your grown-ups and make them smile just like you do us every day. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Mrs Taylor x
Hi 1SD
I just want to say I have had an amazing 7 months so far working with you all in class. You are an amazing group of children kind, funny, caring and sometimes very loud hahaha. Please stay safe and don’t forget to look after your parents while you are at home. See you all soon.
Mrs Lizzimore
Hello to all of 1SD.
I hope you are all well and being brilliant role models at home just as you are in school.
You have all been amazing. I have been so lucky to have spent lots of my time in your classroom. You have all worked so hard and learnt so many amazing things and I’m very excited to hear all about what you have been learning while away from school. Keep up the good work and keep on being wonderful. I’m sure you will all continue to make your teachers and school proud! I look forward to seeing your smiling faces soon.
Lots of hugs.
Mrs Cheyne
Welcome to our class page. 1SD hope you enjoy looking at all the exciting things we have been doing.
Class notices.
In the Spring term our P.E. days are Wednesday for outdoor P.E. and Friday for indoor P.E. with the gymnastics coaches. Please make sure we have the correct kit in school for these lessons. For insurance purposes, hoop earrings cannot be worn. Although stud earrings should also be removed any that cannot be removed should be covered with tape.
Our Spring Class Assembly is on Friday 14th February. Please join us in the hall at 9.10am and afterwards for some fun activities in class.
Our topic this term is 'Seaside Adventures'. We will be investigating different seaside locations linked to our geography curriculum.
Our topic this term was 'Walt Disney'. We learnt who Walt Disney was and how he has changed film and animation.We learnt about his life and how films and theme parks changed throughout time.
In Science we learnt about different types of materials. We looked at different objects and decided what material is best suited for them.
In PE we worked on our ball skills.
In Maths we learnt numbers from 1 to 20 :)
In DT we learnt about different mechanisms for moving pictures. We investigated sliders, levers and wheels and then chose which one to use to make our own moving pictures.
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