Welcome to 5A's class page
We look forward to an exciting time with the children.
This autumn term we are looking at World War 2 in History. The children are working incredibly hard on learning about how it started and what happened.
PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate cloth for the outdoor PE.
Homework Information
English homework is due every Friday. Please encourage your child to do their homework
Maths – We are focusing on improving our recall of times tables (up to 12 x 12)
This autumn term our topin is World War II
We have explored different aspects of life on the home front during World War II including code breaking in ICT and rationing.
As part of this learning we attended a Trip to Barleylands Farm to learn more about the lives of those who would have lived around this area.
we learnt a lot of fascinating facts about farming and agriculture as well as the experience that the evacuee children would have had moving from a big city to the country.
we particularly enjoyed the tractor ride and creating carrot cookies with our rations.
Welcome to 5A's Spring Term
Our topic this term is ANGLO SAXONS!!
We are really excited to share our learning with you!!
as part of our learning we were lucky to attend a workshop where we used our acting skills to explore what life would have been like for an Anglo Saxon.
Once again it is E-Safety week and this year our year 5's are lucky enough to attend the E-safety event taking place at the civic hall in blackshots.
At this event we explored the good and bad side of the internet and learnt a lot about both our own internet use and other peoples.
the children learned about how the many apps that they use everyday could be used to access their personal information and all the consequences that could happen if we aren't careful online.
during the quiz we began to discover and understand just how many of us are exposed to the internet and how often we put ourselves at risk without knowing it.
The children were absolutely amazing during this trip and represented the school beautifully.
the key facts we learned at the event are:
1. Never talk to, accept, or arrange to meet people we don't know online
2. always protect our personal information and profiles by making sure they are completely private.
3. Change your password regularly so that people can't access your account.
if you are ever worried about something you see or hear online then please tell someone!
you can tell a Parent, Teacher, or even call Childline on 0800 1111
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