Welcome to 3G Class Page!
We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been learning about so far this term!
Some important information for the Spring Term
PE takes place on Thursday (indoor) and on Friday (outdoor), please ensure your children have the correct PE kit required for both indoor and outdoor PE. As it is getting a little colder, can you please make sure your children have longer trousers for outdoor PE and a jumper/hoody. Thank you!
Rapid Recall and spellings goes home with the children on Monday ready for our test on the Friday. Remind the children to bring in a bottle of water and their reading books everyday.
Thank you
Miss Goodwin :)
This term in Topic we are going to be exploring and investigating the topic of Mountains and Volcanoes. As of last week, children have started to learn the different features of a mountain and have been developing our map skills using an atlas in class!
This term the children will be learning about the topic of A Changing World! The children will be learning about the world around them and focusing on our wildlife such as trees, plants and flowers! We will be growing our own plants this term and looking at the growth each week. Look out for pictures of us planting our seeds :)
In Guided Reading we have been reading Gangsta Granny written by the infamous David Walliams! The children have loved reading about what Granny and Ben have been getting up to and planning a heist to steal the precious Crown Jewels. The children will soon be writing some instructions about how (if they were Ben) plan their heist. Keep a look out for some pictures of the classes plans.
Last week was National World Book Week and we had bundles of fun participating in a number of activities, workshops and external library visits. The children really got into the spirit of Book Week with a Friday fun day dressed as pirates. We visited a local library where we took the opportunity to read some of their books and we were also very lucky to have a dance workshop where the children brought a book to life through the art of dance which was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Take a look below at some of the things we got up to!
E-Safety Week.
Recently, the children participated in a week of E-SAFETY where they learnt what to do and what not to do when it comes to going on the internet. We had lots of exciting activities throughout the week including an external workshop, in class scenarios, emoji pairing activities and creating a class pledge. We were very busy that week so take a look at what we got up to.
This term in Science we have been investigating forces and how we use these everyday. During one small experiment, we tested the force of pushing where the children blew through a straw against a small ball to see how fast or slow they would move. 4 children raced at the same time and had to reach the finish line by blowing through the straw and using forces to finish the race. They had so much fun and loved watched each other compete!!
In 3G, we have been busy becoming newspaper journalists and investigating a crime scene at our school! We received a mysterious email from the aliens with a cryptic picture of our school playground. The NEXT DAY, we received another email, after Miss Goodwin's laptop had crashed, which had a video of aliens crashing down into our school!
The children went out and investigated the scene ,we collected evidence and came back to class and put all our amazing ideas into a newspaper report. The children created a number of newspaper reports that showcased their fabulous skills learnt during the unit.
This term 3G have been learning their 3, 4 and 8 times tables ! We have been trying out new ways of remembering them and it has been very successful. Here are a few online games we have been using in class to help us, click the links below for the children to enjoy playing at home!
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