Welcome back after our break. We can't believe we are in our final half term with you. This term we will be studying a new topic 'Under the Sea' - I feel a song coming on!
Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea
Some dates for your diary:
Friday 8th June: Theatre company show 'Robin Hood'
Tuesday 12th June: Stay and Play
Friday 15th June: Sports Day (all children will need PE kit)
Week beginning 25th June: Aspirations Week
Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th: Parents' evenings
Friday 6th July: Class assembly
Friday 6th July: Inflatables day
We visited the school nature garden and did some pond dipping. Look what we found.
Welcome back after the Easter break. This half-term we are studying a new topic, 'Traditional Tales.' We will be looking at stories like: The Three Little Pigs; Goldilocks and the Three Bears and stories from other cultures like The Story of Fire as told by Native Americans.
We enjoyed finding out about the Native American story of Fire. We decided to have a campfire where we sang songs and told stories. We even pretended to toast marshmallows-delicious!
On Friday 4th May, we were lucky to have a visit from our artist friend, Ingrid. We had a fabulous afternoon outside in the sunshine making prints and rubbings.
As part of our topic on 'People who help us', we met a paramedic and a firefighter. We really enjoyed finding out how they help to keep us safe.
During our work on 'Transport', we made paper planes. We really enjoyed flying our paper planes to see whose could fly the furthest.
We have been making boats and finding out about floating and sinking.
In the Autumn term we learnt about ourselves in our topic 'Marvellous Me.' We found out about keeping safe in school and how to stop germs spreading. Here is our handwashing song. (Sing to the tune of Row, row, row your boat.)
Wash, wash, wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean.
Wash the top, the bottom and
The fingers in between.
This half term we have enjoyed our topic 'Into the Woods'. We have learnt the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen and 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. We have also enjoyed finding out about Christmas. The Elf has appeared and is watching our every move. No-one wants to go on the 'naughty' list!
We hope you enjoyed our Christmas Performance of 'Aliens Love Christmas' as much as we did. Thank you to everyone who came and provided the lovely costumes.
Don't forget our second Stay and Play session on Thursday morning. Please stay and enjoy some activities with your child, it will also be an opportunity to look at the work they have been doing in school this term.
On Friday 8th September, we visited the Library Bus. We very much enjoyed reading the books and can't wait to go back.
We have been finding out about the artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo. He painted pictures of people using fruit, vegetables and other plants. Here is one of his pictures.
Here are some of our own 'Arcimboldo' pictures. Make sure you come and see the rest in class.
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