Summer Term
Our topic this Summer term is 'Tales from Around the World'. We will be focusing our learning on the prime areas of the EYFS Development Matters; Personal, social and emotional, Communication and Language and Physical Development. Also specific areas; Understanding of the World, Expressive arts and design, Maths and Literacy.
Summer Term in English
We will be reading some traditional fairy tales and thinking of ways the story might change. We will be creating story maps and writing descriptions of our favourite superheroes and villains. We will be writing letters and retelling the stories we have heard. We will be sequencing the stories and making lists, labels and instructions on how to make your garden grow in time for summer.
Spring Term
Our topic this Spring term is 'Under the Sea'. We will be focusing our learning on the prime areas of the EYFS Development Matters; Personal, social and emotional, Communication and Language and Physical Development. Also specific areas; Understanding of the World, Expressive arts and design, Maths and Literacy.
Spring Term English in Reception
We have been learning about sea creatures using information books this week. We have been asking questions and finding the answers in the information books.
In week 2, we saw a crab coming into our classes on the CCTV. We wondered where he was going?, where did he come from? and How does he feel? We are writing short sentences about the crab with capital letters and full stops.
Autumn Term
Maths in Reception
This week in maths we have been learning about shapes. We have been focusing on circles and triangles and learning about sides, edges and vertices (corners). We know that triangles have 3 sides and are pointy and that circles are round and smooth. We went on a shape hunt and found that circles and triangles are everywhere!
Autumn 2
We have been learning composition, recognition and subitising numbers to five in Reception.
In Autumn Term 1 in Reception, we are learning about "It's me, 1,2,3!". In this unit of maths children learn about the representations of 1,2,3. They will learn to match the verbal number names to the numerals and quantities, they practise and learn how to count to three by touching one object at a time in different arrangements and know the final quantity in that set of objects. The children will also learn how to write the numerals 1,2,3.
At home you can help your child to recognise numerals when walking about town, the park, and on cars. Point out the numeral when you see 1,2, or 3. Ask them to help out count out things when you are making dinner- can your child count out three spoons? Can you see two trees? One blue car? etc. Share stories which help your child learn to count.
In English we are learning to develop our phonic knowledge and understanding to read and write words, and we are learning to talk about what has been read to us by retelling stories and narratives using our own words and recently introduced vocabulary.
We have been looking at information books about people who help us. We looked at the contents pages, glossary pages, page numbers and read the information inside the book.
We wrote our own questions for the visitors that came into our class. We had lots of questions for the train driver and dental nurse.
We have explored lots of different books. Here are some we have looked at...
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