Welcome to 4I's Home page.
Wow!! Its Spring term already!!!
Here are synopses of our learning this term:
In Topic, we are travelling round the world in 50 days. We will be learning about different continents, countries, regions and capital cities, the hemispheres, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, longitude and latitudes. We will also be improving our atlas and compass skills.
Below are some of the pictures of us using atlases to locate places on a map
Our educational visit to Wat Tyler was awesome and it helped to enhance our compass and team skills. We particularly enjoyed the orienteering activity.
We are learning about sound. We learned what communication was like before the introduction of technology and we explored and made our own string telephone. We also carried out experiment to measure what happens when you move away from the sound sourceDT
As part of DT lesson, we carried out research to find out how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world. We created bridges using our body.
PE –we are enjoying Karate sessions
Book week
We loved the book week which included dressing up, visiting the local library and many more.
We have also had some workshops in school such as:
Dance workshop
First Aid
Story telling
Our Autumn Topic was all about The Sone Age. We had the opportunity of experiencing what life was like during the Stone Age. As part of the enrichment day, we dressed up as Stone Age people, had different activities such Art, DT, Music and dance and we also had a visitor from Freshwater company who took us back to Stone Age era. We thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the day. See below for some of the activities for the day:
We are learning about electricity. We found out what makes a complete circuit and how electrons pass through the wires before lighting up the bulb. Here’s our demonstration of how it works:
We like to use the things around us to help with our learning and sometimes we share ideas with our peers:
We are learning about balance using different parts of our body:
Wear a Christmas jumper day
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