Home Page
Welcome to our class page. Check here to see what we have been up to in class.
Have a wonderful summer break. Thank you for a fabulous year.

Welcome back hope you had a lovely break. Our topic this half-term is 'Minibeasts'. We look forward to finding out about these fascinating creatures.


Class Dates.

Our P.E. lessons are now on Friday afternoons with external gymnastics coaches.  We need our P.E. kits in school on these days. 


Show and Tell and visits to the Nature Garden will be on the following dates.

Show and Tell: June 19th; July 10th

Nature Garden: June 26th; July 3rd


Sports day is on Friday 14th June-details to follow.


Our next Stay and Play session will be on Wednesday 12th June from 9.15-10.15 am. This is an opportunity to look at our books together and talk about our learning. We will also be working in the garden. Don't forget any donated plants or equipment gratefully received.


Our class assembly will be on Friday 12th July at 9.10 am in the Infant hall.



We enjoyed visiting the KS1 Natural History Museum to look at all their work on Dinosaurs. They have worked so hard.
During Book Week we enjoyed our Bringing Books To Life Workshop. Our book was called Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

We are lucky to have a Nature Garden and we will be visiting it regularly to look at how the natural world changes through the seasons. On our first visit we found leaves beginning to change colour and lots of acorns.




This is an Ash tree. Its seeds are called Ash Keys.


The trees are looking bare now. This oak tree still has a few leaves left.


The leaves have gone and the weather was wet and cold on our December visit.


The day was grey and cold but dry when we visited the garden in January. You can still see the Ash Keys on the tree.


Unfortunately the February photos have been accidently deleted. sad


It was lovely to see evidence of Spring arriving in March.


The trees and bushes have leaves and blossom in April.


Plants are beginning to flower in the garden and the sun was shining in May.



The flowers were really beautiful in the garden in June.

Pancake Tasting

We had great fun telling stories in Story Telling Week. Look at the story we wrote together.

Dinosaurs in school!

Still image for this video
Video footage of a dinosaur in the playground!

After we watched the video, we went outside to find evidence. We found scratches, footprints, other marks and plants that had been eaten. 


Look at what we have been up to this half term.

We made Diva lamps after learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We made bread after reading the story of The Little Red Hen. Have a look at our pictures made using leaves. 

We spent some time listening to sounds.