Year 4 Summer Term
Our topic this term is 'The Mayan Civilisation'. We have been looking at the Mayan number system. We are comparing buildings and temples that they created. We are making Batik designs and will be working on our Batik with a specialist Art Teacher on Fridays.
In Science, we are learning all about the digestive system and how to keep our bodies healthy.
In English we are learning how to write a 'Discursive Text' - a balanced argument with points for and against a certain subject.
Year 4 Spring Term
Welcome to the Spring Term. Our topic is the Anglo-Saxons. We will be learning more about sound in science. We will be learning invasion games in outdoor PE. Karate will continue until the end of the Spring term.
Book Week is 27.02.17 - 03.03.17
During this week we will be visiting the library on Tuesday morning. Our session starts at 9.30am. If any adults would like to volunteer their support in taking the children the short distance to the library then please speak to the class teacher. Mrs Downes would really appreciate the help.
We will also be visited by an author of an exciting pirate book. There will be lots of fun reading and book activities during this week.
In class 4D during the Autumn Term we will be learning about World War 2. We will be researching to find out facts, experiencing what it would have been like to have lived during the war by looking at memoirs and diaries written by people who lived through World War 2. They will also be making ration books used in the war. There are some interesting homework tasks too that I will be putting up on display.
Lots of the children are already very excited about the topic!
In English we have been writing adventure stories for the first three weeks of the term. We looked at Narnia and took some of the ideas from the book and the film and adapted them to make our own adventures.
We are now moving onto the next three week unit which will be biographies. We have been researching the author Roald Dahl, so if you find any information at home bring it in for us to share.
In maths we are now moving onto addition and subtraction. Once we have learnt the techniques we will be applying our knowledge to real life situations.
There will be lots of learning taking place over this term so stay tuned for photos and more information about what class 4D have been learning.
*Please remember to bring your book bags to school everyday. This way, we can ensure that you are reading both at home and at school. Remember the more we read the more 'leaves' we earn! The children can change their book at any time once they have finished reading.
*Please remember to bring your P.E. kits to school. We have outdoor P.E. on Tuesday afternoons and indoor P.E. on Thursday afternoons, which is Karate. Don't forget to bring something warm to wear for outdoor P.E.
*Please send a water bottle in with your child's name clearly labelled on the bottle. They can also use the water fountain at any time during the day as well. The children should be drinking as much water as they can during the day - it helps to be well hydrated when we are learning.
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