Welcome to Class 2C!
We hope you have a wonderful year. We have many fun activities planned. We look forward to learning and working with you this year!
Miss Cummings, Mrs Martin, Miss Hale and Mrs Chaston
Welcome to the Spring Term
Our topic this term is 'Seaside Adventures'. We have been learning about the world. We have discovered that there are 7 continents and 5 oceans. We have also been learning about the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities.
In Science, we are learning all about plants. We have planted our own seeds and we are watching them change as they grow into plants.
In Outdoor PE, we are working on our ball skills with a West Ham coach. In Indoor PE we are creating our own dance working at different levels.
Welcome to the Autumn Term
Our topic this term is 'Walt Disney'. We have been learning who Walt Disney is and how he has changed film and animation. We have also been learning about his life and the films he has created.
In Science, we are learning all about materials. We have been looking at different objects and deciding what material is best suited to them.
In Outdoor PE, we are working on our ball skills with a West Ham coach. In Indoor PE we are being taught by an external gymnastics coach.
We have started learning our Christmas songs.
The following website will enable the children to hear a clip of each song to remind them of the tune to help with their practise at home. http://www.outoftheark.co.uk/lights-camel-action.html
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