In the second part of the Autumn Term, our topic is 'People who help us'. Check out the learning experiences page for pictures of people who have come into visit us. We have been learning about fire fighters, librarians, Teachers, Train drivers, Police and many, many more.
Our topic this term is “Marvellous Me and My Community”. We will be learning about starting school, our families and communities, where we live and our likes and dislikes. We will be supported and encouraged to talk about our feelings and how to express these appropriately, while we build healthy friendships.
In the second half term we will be learning about people who help us and the important role they play in keeping us safe and happy. How to keep our teeth healthy and clean is very important and we will be introduced to the dentist. Other important people will be doctors, fire fighters, teachers and other significant people in school.
The stories of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “The Enormous Turnip” will form part of our storytelling. We will learn to read and recognise sounds and words and in maths we will be learning about numbers to 5, shapes, size and pattern.
On a Wednesday children have the opportunity to share their own experiences. The can bring an object from home to support this. It could be a photograph, book or an event that has happened that they would like to talk about. (We do not recommend bringing in toys.)
The children as well as staff are very excited to invite you to their Christmas performance! More details will follow later during the term.
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