Shout out to Sophie Downes!!
Thanks for your lovely email letting me know all the exciting things that you have been doing during lockdown.
Don't forget you can email me pictures/text to show me what you have been up to at home:
I will post any updates on here for everyone to see :)
Stay safe!!
Ms T
Spring Term
This term we are looking at the natural world in science and how things are classified. In English, already, we have written our modern fairy tales. In computing, we are looking at the ways that computers solve complex problems. In PSHE, we have been finding out about discrimination and who gets discriminated against. In DT, we have started exploring different types of bridges and their uses. We are designing our own and then building models.
We have updated our vocabulary words, can you explain what they mean and use them when you are talking?
We get house points for using these words!!
We have a very busy year ahead of us and lots going on. Just a few reminders:-
- full PE kits should be in school for our outdoor PE lesson on a Tuesday, we will go out whatever the weather
- this term we will be swimming on a Thursday and kit is required. The cost of this is £2.50 a session
- reading is such a big part of year 6 so we need reading books to be read daily and changed regularly. They should be brought in everyday.
-spellings will go home on a Monday and be tested on a Friday
-the weather has already turned so please ensure your child has a coat
Year 6 will be taking their SATs tests in May. To help your child with their learning, here are some useful links for practising core skills. - Practise your times tables to become a times tables rock legend!! - Practise your times tables, doubling, halving!! - Practise your basic spelling and grammar skills. - Try BBC bitesize!
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